Every month I like to spotlight some of the new graphic novels you should read for that month. I try to keep it quite varied with different styles of art, storytelling, publisher and genre. March offers up a mixture of missing treehouses, giant monsters, the lampooning of ancient war texts, Japanese Buffy and a new sheriff in town.

Every month I like to showcase the most interesting new comic releases of the month, focusing on stories that those new to comics can dive into. For February I have highlighted 15 releases which are all a bit different from each other. Many different genres are represented including science fiction, crime, superhero, horror, sword and sorcery, humour and fantasy.

What if heroes, although doing good in the public eye, had dark secrets in their other lives? And what if there was a mole in their team who could potentially discover these secrets to disastrous results? This is the premise of the new Image series Secret Identities by writers Brian Joines and Jay Faerber and artist Ilias Kyriazis. I had the chance to read the début issue early – here what I thought of it.

To celebrate what was a huge year in comics we had asked the How to Love Community of readers to let us know what comics they loved in 2014. In this article you will find the top 10 titles most voted for by the readers, which includes plenty of variety in storytelling, publishers, creators, art styles and genre. With this much variety it’s proof that it has never been a better time to be a reader. Did your favourites make the list?

This is a list 13 new comic books that you should be reading this December. With a great mix of storytelling, publishers and genres there is definitely something here for everyone.

Transport yourself to the 24th century with Copperhead by writer Jay Faerber, artist Scott Godlewski and published by Image Comics. Copperhead is no ordinary science fiction series, mixing elements of western in a similar vein to Firefly. It is also one of mystery, not only with the female protagonist, Clara, but also with the community that surrounds her. Take a look at a preview of this new series inside.