After a devastating tragedy involving teen heroes, the United States has passed a new law which has outlawed unsupervised vigilantes under the age of 21 in the Marvel Universe. Although, the heroes that are affected by this law will not be taking it lying down!
This will all play out in Outlawed, an oversized one-shot and additional comic book stories. While this situation law has some similarities to Civil War and the Superhero Registration Act, Outlawed should see the stories go in new and exciting directions.
Instead of it becoming a story of heroes clashing over differing ideologies, expect Outlawed to explore teenage rebellion, generational division, and standing for what you believe in.
Read on to find out more about Outlawed, including the comics involved in this new era, creative teams, release dates, and much more.
Where Does It Begin?
While there were hints of it in Marvel’s huge teaser one-shot Incoming!, Outlawed kicks off in a special one-shot of the same name. Written by sociologist/author Eve L. Ewing, art by Kim Jacinto, coloured by Espen Grundetjern, and letterer Clayton Cowles, this one-shot will be the place to start reading this new era of underage heroes in the Marvel Universe.
Speaking to AV Club, Ewing mentioned that Outlawed was more than just teens rebelling against the government.
“To me, this story isn’t just about young people being in conflict with the government, but much bigger questions about what we ask of young people, how they’re expected to be independent sometimes and subservient other times. Every era of history brings new challenges, and young people today are coming of age in the era of mass shootings, the era of the climate crisis—things that in some ways are unprecedented in history. Yet we often don’t recognize their wisdom and their insights. It’s like we get above a certain age and lose all empathy.”
The Outlawed one-shot will be available from March 18th.
Where does the story continue?
The Outlawed status quo continues in five different comics which involved heroes aged under 21 years old. Since Outlawed is a thematic status quo and not a crossover event, it’s totally up to you as to which of these stories you read.
I suggest reading the Outlawed one-shot first and then reading the comics that appeal to you the most based on what was presented.
What are these comics? Continue reading to find out.
Which comics are involved?
The following five comic book series, which are a combination of on-going and miniseries, will address and explore the law that suppresses heroes under the age of 21.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #17
Written Saladin Ahmed. Art by Carmen Carnero.
Kicking off with issue #17, Miles Morale’s comic book series will explore the ramifications of Outlawed from his perspective.
While Marvel has not revealed a whole lot at this stage, it appears that Miles will have to take some significant risks in order to stand up for what he believes in.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #17 is available from April 1st.
The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #14
Written Saladin Ahmed. Art by Minkyu Jung.
Ms. Marvel has inadvertently become the face of the new laws against underage heroes. In her solo title, we will see how Kamala Khan can rise up and reclaims her narrative.
The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #14 is available from April 1st.
Champions #1
Written by Eve L. Ewing. Art by Simone Di Meo.
The Champions are Marvel’s preeminent teen hero team, which features Miles Morales, Ms Marvel, Nova (Sam Alexander), and others. With the new laws in place, the team will take a stand and refuse to go down without a fight. But with the newly formed government task force, C.R.A.D.L.E., on their trail, life won’t be easy for them.
Champions #1 is available from April 8th.
Power Pack #1 (of 5)
Written by Ryan North. Art by Nico Leon.
Originally published between 1984-1990, Power Pack was a preteen group of sibling heroes who went on adventures throughout the Marvel Universe. Now they’re a little older and back for a five-issue miniseries.
The team will reform to save New York City from an old foe. But with the laws restricting young heroes in place, will the government allow them?
Power Pack #1 is available from April 8th.
New Warriors #1 (of 5)
Written by Daniel Kibblesmith. Art by Luciano Vecchio.
While the original New Warriors (Night Thrasher, Firestar, Rage, Speedball, Namorita, and Silhouette) may not be teens any more they will be mentoring a brand new generation of heroes. This five-issue miniseries will introduce a fresh New Warriors that will be government approved.
New Warriors #1 is available from April 15th.
Where can I find these comics?
All of the above-mentioned comics can be found at your local comic book store, online comic book stores, digitally on Comixology or the Marvel Comics App, and on eBay.
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