When it aired in the early 2000s, Invader Zim was one Nickelodeon’s most critically acclaimed animated series. Unfortunatly, like many great shows, it was cancelled after only 27 episodes. But in that time, and in the subsequent reruns, it garnered a passionate cult following. So much so that Invader Zim is back and is invading the pages of his very own comic. Fans will want to check this out as it will be worked on by creatives involved with the show – including Zim creator Jhonen Vasquez.
Keep reading to find out more about this comic as well as read a preview.
For those who missed out on this zany animated series it was all about alien invader, Zim, who every episode tried to take over Earth. Although, he wasn’t very good at it and to make things worse he was paired up with GIR, a small robot who is absolutely no help to him. Opposing Zim is Dib, a supernatural and conspiracy nut who lived across the street, who attempted to prove that Zim was an alien with sinister plans.
The comic picks up where the series ended with Zim missing for “what seems like years.” In this period of absense Dib has been patently waiting for Zim to return as he knows that one day he will. That one day is now! What plans does Zim have his sleeve? You’ll have to read the issue to find out.
If you’re a fan of the animated series this comic will be right up your alley. Not only is it the return of Invader Zim, but members of the creative team also worked on the animated series so you know they’ll do it justice. This includes the show creator, Jhonen Vasquez, writing the series as well as show concept artist, Aaron Alexovich, on art.
Don’t worry if you’ve never seen Invader Zim before, Recap Kid will tell you everything you need to know here.
Invader Zim #1 is available from all good comic book stores and digitally from July 8th.
Take a gander at a 4-page preview as well as the SDCC variant cover by Bryan Konietzko below.
Will You Be Reading Invader Zim?
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