PREVIEW: Spider-Woman #5 – New Costume, New Direction
Marvel Comics Reading Recommendations

PREVIEW: Spider-Woman #5 – New Costume, New Direction

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The Spider-Woman series launched as part of the Spider-Verse storyline, which it was heavily involved in, with this with the first 4 issues of the series tieing into the event. Now that it’s over Spider-Woman can tell her own story and Marvel, with writer Dennis Hopeless and Javier Rodriguez, have done with a bang. With a new costume and a new direction Spider-Woman #5 looks to be a good jumping-on point for those curious about the character.

Spider-Woman #5 cover by Javier Rodriguez.

The updated costume is probably the most noticeable change for Spider-Woman, making it more functional and less skimpy. If you had seen the previous costume you would know that it was very revealing – which was made more obvious by the controversial Milo Manara cover from a few months ago. This new costume is a more functional design, which appears to be inspired by motorcycle gear. I quite like this new design. It feels modern and different, but with enough of the old costume for you to know it’s Spider-Woman.

Along with a new costume sees a new direction for the title, with Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) looking to put her old life behind her and start fresh. In order to do this, she has quit the Avengers and is attempting to connect more with the normal world. Although, as you will see in the preview below, when you have the abilities of a hero it’s hard to stay out of trouble for too long.

Along for the ride is the interesting addition of Ben Urich as an ongoing supporting character. For those not familiar with him, he’s a reporter for The Daily Bugle who has featured in many classic Spider-Man and Daredevil stories.

Don’t worry if you haven’t read Spider-Woman #1-4. That mostly concerns tieing into the Spider-Verse storyline, so unless you are reading that I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Spider-Woman #5 looks to act as more as a first issue, introducing new concepts to the series and swinging into a new focus going forward.

Spider-Woman marks another series which sees Marvel’s, and the industry by extension, a new focus on creating female lead comics with a more positive attitude. This will make a nice addition series such as Batgirl, Lumberjanes and Marvel’s other Spider-themed titles such as Silk and Spider-Gwen.

Spider-Woman #5 is available from March 4th from all good comic book stores and digitally.

Take a peek a preview as well as variant covers by Kris Anka and Siya Oum below.

Spider-Woman #5 title page. Art by Javier Rodriguez.
Spider-Woman #5 preview page 1 by Javier Rodriguez.
Spider-Woman #5 preview page 2 by Javier Rodriguez.
Spider-Woman #5 preview page 3 by Javier Rodriguez.
 Spider-Woman #5 preview page 4 by Javier Rodriguez.
Spider-Woman #5 variant cover by Kris Anka.
Spider-Woman #5 variant cover by Siya Oum.

Will You Be Reading Spider-Woman #5?

Will you be reading this issue? What do you think of the new costume? You can let me know in the comments below or via our Facebook or Twitter.


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  • Nice article, I’m so excited to read about Spider-Woman! I’ve heard that her and Captain Marvel are friends or at least share some page time together, and I was wondering what series of Cap Marvel is concerned with Spider-Woman. Is it the series that started in 2014 or 2016? Thanks!

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